Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanterns

Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanterns Issues

Short catalogue of various models of magic lanterns in toy format, every item is illustrated. Jean Schoenner was baed in Nuremberg, Germany, and produced optical and mechanical toys between 1875 and 1916. This catalog is not dated but the style of the layout looks like catalogs from around 1880. To learn more about the lantern and slide production by Jean Schoenner, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at

Items in Collection

Short catalogue of various models of magic lanterns in toy format, every item is illustrated. Jean Schoenner was baed in Nuremberg, Germany, and produced optical and mechanical toys between 1875 and 1916. This catalog is not dated but the style of the layout looks like catalogs from around 1880. To learn more about the lantern and slide production by Jean Schoenner, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read*%3A*&rows=1&sort=dateStart%20ASC*%3A*&rows=2&sort=dateStart%20ASC