A free online resource, featuring millions of pages of books and magazines from the histories of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound.

Led by Eric Hoyt and the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research.

Global Movie Magazine Networks

Book Cover for Global Movie Magazine Networks

Read about the intercontinental exchange of cinema ideas and information in Global Movie Magazine Networks, a collection of essays edited by Eric Hoyt and Kelley Conway. Vital resources for the study of film history and culture, movie magazines are frequently cited as sources, but rarely centered as objects of study. The essays in this collection reveal the hybridity, heterogeneity, and connectivity of movie magazines and the important role they play in the intercontinental exchange of information and ideas about cinema.

The Media History Digital Library contains magazines from around the world: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Iran, and beyond. The magazines included in Global Movie Magazine Networks are freely available online and searchable in Lantern.

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program.

A scan from a magazine. There are several photographs from the film 'Gold-Diggers of 1933' and the heading text 'They're in the Money'

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A cropped portion of the cover of the book Ink-Stained Hollywood

Ink-Stained Hollywood

Learn about the history of Hollywood trade papers in Eric Hoyt's new book. Available in paperback or free digital edition from University of California Press.

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A scan from a printed book. There is an illustration of a microscope on the left. On the right, the text reads 'Research on Value and Utilization of Audio-Visual Materials'

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