Magic Lantern

Items in Collection

Magic Lantern

By Sarah Dellmann

The Magic Lantern (also known as optical lantern or stereopticon) is a projection device: a slide is projected with the help of lenses, condensers and artificial light onto a screen, wall, or other opaque surface. First mentioned by Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1659, it developed into one of the most popular optical media to entertain and instruct. Early film projectors could be seen as a direct “derivative”, adding a “kinetoscope attachment” while using the magic lantern as light source. The slide projector and digital beamer with its corresponding slides or PowerPoint presentations can be seen as its successors.

Since its invention, the magic lantern was used for entertainment, education, research and as a children’s toy. They amused and instructed young and old, poor and rich. Traveling entertainers and lecturers brought the lantern to peasants in the village and citizens in town. Slides were used for a variety of occasions: on fairgrounds and in private homes, in theaters and churches, in society club houses and community halls, in venues for popular education, and in schools and university lecture halls. Hence the incredibly rich slide collections that can be found in museums and archives, in the cellars of university buildings and in the attics of religious convents.

Magic lantern and lantern slide distribution catalogs are rare items and mostly held in private collections. These catalogs can help archivists and collectors to identify magic lanterns and lantern slides and they also enrich knowledge of the development of the apparatus and projection technology. The illustrations give insight into the way in which the apparatus worked and what lantern slides, lanterns and accessories such as light sources, special lenses and projection equipment looked like.

The promotional tone in the descriptions, although not to be taken at face value, tells us a lot about audience expectations, the intentions of producers, the work of lanternists and technological problems (that the advertised apparatus had supposedly solved).

This collection was initiated by the European research project “A Million Pictures: Magic Lantern Slide Heritage as Artefacts in the Common European History of Learning”. Until May 2018, project members will enrich this collection regularly. Additional catalogs in all languages and from all contexts are more than welcome -- just contact the MHDL!

Items in Collection

Title Creator Date
Appareils et Fournitures générales pour la PhotographieJ. Gobertcirca 1890Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Micrographie Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Minéralogie et Géologie, Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1929Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue Général No 89 des Appareils et Accessoired usités en projection: IVe Partie CinématographieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 50. Fabrique d'appareils d'accessoires et vues pour la projectionE. Mazo1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of geographic lantern slides by French producers and re-sellers Radiguet & Massiot. The comprehensive catalogue lists slides of Europe with an emphasis on France and French colonies; of Africa, Asia, America and 'Océanie'. Slides are listed in alphabetical order. Radiguet & Massiot were the successors of important lantern and slide manufacturer A. Molteni. The digitised item (no 104bis) is the updated version of catalogue 104. To learn more about Projections Molteni and Radiguet & Massiot, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource .
Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 104bis: Vues de voyages et explorations en projections lumineusesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1911Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No 55 - Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et MondainesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1897Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No 105: Classement méthodique des diapositives pour Projections LumineusesRadiguet & Massiotin/after 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Illustrated catalog of magic lanterns, stereopticons and projection devices. It also covers electrical lamps for projection lanterns and accessories (carriers, screens, slide containers). The illustrations in this catalogue are photographic images. To learn more about the slide production of Newton & Co. and to see examples of slides produced by them, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Ressource
Title Creator Date
Catalogue of Optical Projection Apparatus.Newton & Co.September 1938Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalog of magic lantern slides was issued by the Dutch Association for lantern slides, an association that sold lantern slides especially for use in education. This catalog lists slides and slide sets from the domain of ethnology, geography, history, art and art history, 'tales for old and young', Christian religion, social sciences, medicine en hygiene, geology, technology and natural history. More information about lantern slides can be accessed in the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at The later pages of the scan include supplemental catalogs (Supplement Catalogus), including those prepared by Ivens & Co., a commercial establishment. This catalog includes, in addition to slide descriptions, projection equipment as well.
Title Creator Date
Catalogus der Lichtbeeldenvereeniging 1912-13Centraal Bureau voor Lantaarnplaten Amsterdam1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalogue of Dutch lantern and slide producer, camera equipment seller and photograph C.A.P. Ivens of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Thic catalogue lists lantern hardware, cinematographs, images on film strips and lantern slides. Its list contains geographical slides of the Netherlands and the Dutch Colonies (Indonesia, at that tiem Dutch East Indies), Bible stories and a series of animals in the Zoo of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. C.A.P. Ivens was one of the main sellers and producers of lantern slides and photographic equipment in the Netherlands. More information about their activities and examples of items in stock are listed in the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at .
Title Creator Date
Catalogus van LantaarnplaatjesCAPIcirca 1925Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogus van StereoscoopplatenMerkelbach & Co.1903Search on LanternClick here to read

A catalog of the u.s.-American lantern slide dealer Chas. M. Stebbins Picture Supply from Kansas. The slides are proposed to Masonic, Scottish Rite, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Eastern Star, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Daughters of Rebekah, Patriotic Order Sons of America, Patriotic Order of America, Woodmen of the World, Temple of Honor, Knights of Mystic Chain, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Orangemen, JR. O.U.A.M., Order of Maccabees. In addition, some commercially produces slides displaying Christian religious themes are advertised. Dating is based on activity of the publisher - it could have been published later. If you want ot learn more about some of the slides sets advertised in this catalog, including digital images of the slides, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Chas. M. Stebbins Picture SupplyChas. M. Stebbins Picture Supplyin or after 1899Search on LanternClick here to read

Lecture notes with comments to a set of astronomical lanterns slides of the same title. The full title of the lecture is 'A compendium of astronomy: being a concise description of the most interesting phenomena of the heavens intended to accompany a series of thirty diagrams, contained in single sliders, the paintings three inches in diameter exhibited by the improved phantasmagoria lantern'. The slides and the notes were produced by Carpenter & Westley. The lecture explains what is seen in the images that were projected from lantern slides on to a screen. This version is from 1849 but an earlier version from 1837 is also known. Carpenter and Westley's lantern slide set on astronomy was widely used in (popular) education on the subject, and examples of slides can be found in several collections. To learn more about Carpenter and Westley and to see examples of slides in their collection, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource .
Title Creator Date
A compendium of astronomy: being a concise description of the most interesting phenomena of the heavensCarpenter and Westley1849Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalogue for lantern slides, mostly for slide sets intended for educational purposes. The catalogue covers technology, medicine, zoology, botany, geology, anthropology, archaeology, French History and many in geography. On the last 5 pages, equipment is advertised; occasionally, one slide of a set is reproduced; the descriptions of the equipment are illustrated. The back cover shows two photographs of the manufacturing site. To learn more of Slide Producer of ‘Les fils d’Émile Deyrolle’ and to see examples of slides of their manufacturing, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Diapositifs sur verre pour projections. Photographies et MicrophotographiesLes Fils d'Émile DeyrolleJuly 1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Manual of German manufacturer and distributor of projection tools with an emphasis on education. The manual explains the optical laws of how projection works, how to operate diverse projection apparatus – magic lanterns (also called sciopticons or stereopticons), dissolving views, epidiascopes and film projectors. It treats the operation of diverse light sources, the manufacture of slides for projection including several possibilities for adding color. In another part, it explains how to use a magic lantern and projected images in a lantern performance to demonstrate physical, chemical and optical experiments as well as explain special effects achieved by animated slides. In the end (pages 308-319) advertisings of manufacturers of projection devices and accessories are included. To learn more about Ed. Liesegang and their slide production, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Die Projektions-KunstPaul Ed. Liesegang1909Search on LanternClick here to read

Illustrated catalog of magic lanterns and lantern slides by French producer E. Mazo. The catalog contains magic lanterns, combined cinematographic devices and a list of films; different light sources and slide sets. On the last page, a phonograph is advertised. To learn more about E. Mazo and his slide production, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
E. Mazo Catalogue No.11E. Mazocirca 1898Search on LanternClick here to read

A (German) catalog of lantern slides intended for use in teaching zoology and anatomy. The slides listed in this catalog are taken from microscopic photographs. Credit as photographer / compiler of the set is Dr. W. Stempell, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at the university in Münster, Germany. This list is an addendum to the List 329, titled Lichtbilder für den zoologischen und anatomischen Unterricht nach Mikrophotogrammen. The catalog was issued by Ed. Liesegang, a German manufacturer and re-seller of visual teaching material. To learn more about the Liesegang and to examples of lantern slides produced and distributed by Ed. Liesegang, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Ressource
Title Creator Date
Ed. Liesegang Liste 329aEd. LiesegangNovember 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

A catalog of magic lanterns, lantern slides, lantern accessories and cinema projectors from French manufacturer and reseller G. Gilmer. All descriptions are given in three languages - French, English and German; this catalogue was thus probably used for international distribution. More information on the activities of G. Gilmer can be found at the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Title Creator Date
G. Gilmer Catalog No 26G. GilmerCirca 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Georges Carette & Co - Catalog 1902: Fabrik für optische, mechanische, elektrische, physicalische Waren. Spielwaren, LehrmittelGeorges Carette & Co.March 1902Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalogue offers a range of material for projection, mostly magic lanterns / stereopticons and cinema projectors alongside with lantern slides and films. The catalog also offers all kind of accessories for projection, from light sources to outfits and screens. To learn more about the lantern slide production of W.B. Moore in Chicago, US and related producers, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Ressource at .
Title Creator Date
Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Stereopticons, Lantern Slides, Moving Picture Machines, Accessories for ProjectionW.B. Moore1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Illustrated catalog of magic lanterns (sciopticons and stereopticons) and lantern slides of American producer and vendor McIntosh Battery & Optical Company in Chicago, Ills, US. Next to the apparatus, a description of its use is included in some sections, especially with respect to the working of light (Pages 1-92). Pages 93-240 are dedicated to lantern slide sets. Subjects covered by the lantern slides reach from instruction on electricity to geography, Christian religion, American History, fairy tales and more. To learn more about Magic Lanterns and Slides, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at .
Title Creator Date
Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic LanternsMcIntosh Battery and Optical Company Co.after November 1889, probably 1890Search on LanternClick here to read

The catalog's full title is 'Instructive Optical Toys. Magic Lanterns, Dissolving View Apparati, Sciopticons, Cinematographs, large collection of new slides in sets. Stereoscopes. Magnifying glasses, Reading glasses'. It was part of a larger catalog of German toy producer Gebrüder Bing from Nuremberg, issued in 1906. This English version of the catalog was issued for international distribution. The producer used the English translation of their name: Bing Brothers. The digital version only shows the section (pages 228-270). To learn more about lantern slides produced by Bing Brothers / Gebrüder Bing, visit the Lucerna magic lantern web resource: .
Title Creator Date
Instructive Optical Toys. Magic Lanterns, Dissolving View Apparati, Sciopticons, Cinematographs, Large collection of new slides in sets. Stereoscopes. Magnifying glasses, Reading glassesGebrüder Bing1906Search on LanternClick here to read

Very comprehensive and illustrated catalog of various types of lantern slides and slide sets as well as additional equipment and services. All titles of individual slides of a set are listed. The first 80, pages are illustrated, pages 100-252 list available slide sets and lantern readings. The catalogue contains many sets with bible subjects and hymns. The dating is based on events mentioned in slide sets. To learn more about J. Theobald and to see examples of slides of this manufacturer, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Title Creator Date
J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatusJ. Theobald and Co.circa 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

This brochure advertises the use of the epidiascope for home use. The epidiascope is a projection apparatus that can project opaque objects - such as picture postcards or little stones - on a screen by a system of light and mirrors. The brochure praises the apparatus as a "source of entertainment and education". At the end, a price list of several models and accessories is given. Ed. Liesegang, Düsseldorf, Germany, was one of the largest supplier of visual tools in education, such as lantern slides and magic lantern projectors. More information on the production of Ed. Liesegang is available at the Magic Lantern Web Resource Lucerna, Note: the brochure is undated but estimated to have been published around 1910.
Title Creator Date
Janus-Epidiaskop. Eine Quelle der UnterhaltungEd. Liesegangcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Short catalogue of various models of magic lanterns in toy format, every item is illustrated. Jean Schoenner was baed in Nuremberg, Germany, and produced optical and mechanical toys between 1875 and 1916. This catalog is not dated but the style of the layout looks like catalogs from around 1880. To learn more about the lantern and slide production by Jean Schoenner, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jubiläums-Katalaog 1875-1900: Jean Schoenner Mechanisch-optische Spielwaren FabrikJean Schoenner1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Katalog über optische, mechanische und elektrische Spielwaren und Lehrmittel: Metall-Miniaturen, Metall-Bauksten 'E.P. Modello', NähmaschinenErnst Plank - E.P.1925Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalogue of lantern slides for use in higher education and popular education by Manchester-based producers Flatters & Garnett. This catalog, 'Catalog E', contains slides of natural history that illustrate subjects in zoology, botany, geology, astronomy, textile fibres and machinery - among others birds, insects and plants in nature, plant associations, protective resemblance, pond life, sea and shore life. Some slide sets are referred to as being part of Manchester Museum and the producer indicates to be located 'opposite university'. To learn more about magic lantern slides, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E.Flatters and Garnett Ltd.November 1924Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lichtbilder-Serien für patriotische Veranstaltungen in KriegervereinenEd. Liesegang1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lichtbilder in Woodbury-Druck. Verzeichnis von Glasphotogrammen für den Projektions-ApparatEd. LiesegangNovember 1905Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of lantern slides for teaching art history in higher education.
Title Creator Date
Liesegang KatalogEd. Liesegang1911Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog in German language of lantern slide manufacturer Ed. Liesegang. The catalog lists magic lantern slides of many subjects, including geography, Christian religion and dissolving views. For more information on the activities of Ed. Liesegang and the magic lantern slide sets listed in this catalog, see the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Liesegang Katalog 282Ed. Liesegangbetween 1899 and 1903Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Liesegang Katalog No. 316Ed. LiesegangSeptember 1913Search on LanternClick here to read

A (German) catalog of lantern slides intended for use in teachingzoology and anatomy. The slides listed in this catalog are taken from microscopic photographs. Credit as photographer / compiler of the set is Dr. W. Stempell, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at the university in Münster, Germany. The catalog was issued by Ed. Liesegang, a German manufacturer and re-seller of visual teaching material. To learn more about the lantern slide production and to see examples of lantern slides produced and distributed by Ed. Liesegang, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Title Creator Date
Liesegang Liste 329Ed. LiesegangJuly 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Ivens & Co was one of the big Dutch producers and vendors of photographic equipment, lantern slides, and projection material between 1880's and at least WWII. This catalogue is in fact a catalogue of slides by York and Son that Ivens & Co had in stock. It probably indicates that Ivens had an agency or similar arrangement for Newton & Co. (by this date the owners of the York stock) and could supply any of their slides to the Netherlands; Ivens would probably not have carried a permanent stock of all of the slides. To learn more about the activity of Ivens & Co to see examples of lantern slides that are advertised in this catalog, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at (between 1906 and 1913) is based on events described in lantern slide sets.
Title Creator Date
Lijst van lantaarnplaatjesIvens & Co.between 1906-1913Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalogue lists lantern slides of technology, zoology, human anatomy, French geography including the countries that were colonized by France at that time. On the last side, four types of lanterns as well as screens and boxes are advertised. The catalogue is not illustrated. To learn more about lantern slides and see digitized examples, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at
Title Creator Date
Liste complementaire des photographies sur verre pour projections lumineusesLes Fils de Émile DeyrolleMarch 1921Search on LanternClick here to read

Richly illustrated catalogue of the French Society of Opticians ('Société des Lunetiers'), comprising glasses in lenses in all kinds of forms and shapes, including cameras, magic lanterns and lantern slides (pages 122-126), and stereoscopes (page 127) including their accessories. Also contains devised to measure temperature, distance, currency and diverse clocks. To learn more about magic lanterns and slides, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource .
Title Creator Date
Lunetterie OptiqueSociété des Lunetiers1901Search on LanternClick here to read

Dating based on type of kinematagraph in illustration and first known use of address. The 'Prijscourant No. 1' offers several magic lanterns ('sciopticons'), kinematographs and light sources. Almost all items are illustrated. Accessories contain objectives, mechanical lantern slides, colours, storage boxes and films for children. Pages 28-51 offer different optical devices (camera obscura, binoculars, microscopes) as well as miniature steam engines of various types and mechanical toys. Merkelbach& Co. was one of the largest suppliers of visual material for education and entertainment in the Netherlands. To learn more about the slide production of Merkelbach and Co, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Merkelbach Prijscourant No. 1 c. 1909Merkelbach & Co.circa 1909Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalog lists magic lantern slides for education in the field of art history. It was issued as an addition to the general catalog. 'Ed. Liesegang' in Düsseldorf, Germany, was one of the most important supplier of visual material in education. More information on Liesegang's production of magic lantern slides and related material is accessible in the Magic Lantern Webressource Lucerna:
Title Creator Date
Nachtrag zum Katalog kunstgeschichtlicher DiapositiveEd. Liesegang1907Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of magic lantern slide sets that were used in education. These slides are on the subject of botany, zoology, natural history, cultivation of fruit and farming. The slides are listed individually by title but are not illustrated. This section is part of a series of catalogs published by British slide manufacturer Newton & Co in the 1920s, organised by subject. To learn more the other catalogues and to see slides produced by Newton & Co, visit the Lucerna magic lantern web resource:
Title Creator Date
Newton's lantern slide catalogueNewton & Co.1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Newton & Co. had probably the largest stock of lantern slides in Britain after 1918. The entire catalogue is publishes in 10 sections, this is section 2. Next to lantern slides on the subject of natural sciences, some accessories of lantern slides were advertised, too. The catalog has been scanned from a paper copy which caused that cover and back are difficult to read. - To learn more about the Newton & Co and access digital copies of lantern slides in their stock, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource .
Title Creator Date
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2Newton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Newton & Co. had probably the largest stock of lantern slides in Britain after 1918. The entire catalog is published in 10 sections, this is section 7. Next to lantern slides on the subject of industries and manufactures, some accessories of lantern slides and films were advertised, too. The catalog has been scanned from a paper copy which caused that cover and back are difficult to read. - To learn more about the Newton & Co and access digital copies of lantern slides in their stock, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource .
Title Creator Date
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and ManufacturesNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Newton & Co. had probably the largest stock of lantern slides in Britain after 1918. The entire catalog is published in 10 sections, this is section 9. Next to lantern slides on the subject of art, art history and literature, some accessories of lantern slides and films were advertised, too. The catalog has been scanned from a paper copy which caused that cover and back are difficult to read. - To learn more about the Newton & Co. and access digital copies of lantern slides in their stock, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 9 -- art, literature, and miscellaneousNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Newton Lantern Slide CatalogueNewton & Co.1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Optische Spielwaaren und Lehrmittel: Laterna-Magica. Nebelbilder-Apparate. Sciopticons. Kinematrographen. Grosse Collection neuester Bilderserien. Stereoscope. Loupen und LesegläserGebrüder Bing / Bing Brothers1902-1904Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of German toy manufacturer Ernst Plank (E.P.) from Nuremberg. The catalog is richly illustrated; almost every apparatus is
accompanied by a detailed engraving. The catalogue lists lanterns,
slides, various illuminants, screens, cinematographic devices and film
as well as many toys that are animated by a miniature steam engine
(moving items, toy trains, ships) and more. The digital version was created from a reprint that did not include the original page numbers hence the unnumbered pages in the digital version. To learn more about the production of lantern slides from Ernst Plank (E.P.), visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Title Creator Date
Preis-Liste 1902. Laterna Magica, Nebelbild-Apparate, Modell-Dampfmaschinen Heissluft-MotoreErnst Plank - E.P.1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Preisliste über optische, mechanische und elektrische Waren, Physikalische Spiele und LehrmittelErnst Plank - E.P.1914Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of Dutch enterprise Merkelbach and Co that offers various lanterns (sciopticons) in several sizes and accessories such as light sources (pages 3-30). On pages 31-51, some lantern slides are mentioned with an emphasis on moving and slipping slides, but this is not a complete list of lantern slides in stock of Merkelbach. In the second section ('Optische Afdeeling'), the catalogue lists other optical devices for education, toy and application such as microscopes, stereoscopes, magnifying glasses, model steam engines, model trains and ships, equipment for demonstrating electricity, batteries, electric doorbells, telephones, light bulbs, magnets, and a shadow theater. Merkelbach and Co. was one of the largest lantern and slide manufacturer in then Netherlands around 1900 and also produced children's toys. To learn more about the lantern and slide production of Merkelbach and Co., visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at .
Title Creator Date
Prijs-Courant No. 1 van Tooverlantaarns, Sciopticons, (Dissolving Views). Model Stoom- en Electrische Machines Merkelbach & Co.1896Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalogue offers several optical devices - cameras, objectives, magic lanterns, film projectors, Röntgen-lamps as well as all kinds of accessories (chemicals for developing photographs, colors, bags for storage, special lamps). It also contains three pages of magic lantern slide sets that the enterprise had in stock. Almost every item is illustrated, which gives a good idea on how the objects looked like. To learn more about magic lanterns and lantern slides, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Prijscourant van benoodigdheden voor fotografie en projectieA. H. C. van SenusApril 1926Search on LanternClick here to read

This catalogue advertises various projection devices, for projection of transparent images and for the projection of opaque objects as well as film projectors. The technical workings of each apparatus are explained. The catalogue also lists projection lenses and light sources (electric light, carbon light, oxyhydrogen light), fuses, light bulbs, switches and microscopes for projection. The catalogue is richly illustrated.
Title Creator Date
Projection ApparatusBausch & Lomb Optical Co.1917Search on LanternClick here to read

A (German) catalog of images on film strips. Film strips were used for projecting s series of single images and were cheaper but also more sensitive to damage than lantern slides. This catalogue lists geographical subjects as well as comical subjects. This catalog was issued by German manufacturer Ed. Liesegang. Ed. Liesegang was a major producer and distributor of visual teaching material in Germany in the first part of the twentieth century. The date of publication is estimated. To see a list of other catalogs by Liesegang and examples of images produced, see the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Title Creator Date
Projektions-Bilder auf FilmstreifenEd. Liesegangcirca 1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read

English version of trade catalog by German toy manufacturer Gebrüder Bing; this is the section on 'Instructive Optical Toys' and consists of magic lanterns, dissolving view apparati, sciopticons, cinematographs, stereoscopes, magnifying glasses, reading glasses and magic lantern slides in sets. Almost every apparatus is illustrated; there are even illustrations of lantern slides. To learn more about the lantern slide production of Gebrüder Bing, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource at .
Title Creator Date
Special Catalogue and Price List of Instructive Mechanical, Optical and Electrical ToysGebrüder Bing1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of French producer and vendor of lantern slides. The items in this catalog are mostly magic lanterns (sciopticons) of various forms (with one or two projection devices) as well as complex magic lantern slides with mechanical movements. Other lantern slides are meant for dissolving views. Sets also are on biblical subjects and fairy tales. The catalogue contains illustrations of the lanterns and slides. To learn more about A. Molteni and their slide production, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Tarif No. 39 Lanternes MagiquesA. Moltenicirca 1878-1880Search on LanternClick here to read

Catalog of French producer and vendor of Magic Lantern Slides A. Molteni. The catalog lists mostly slides of geographical matter (pages 1-50) but also some microscopic images ('photomicrographies') on page 50-51 and Histology of the collection of Dr Gustave le Bon as well as some reproductions of art works. The last page shows the table of contents. To learn more about lantern slides by A. Molteni, visit the Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource
Title Creator Date
Vues sur verre pour projection. Catalogue 32A. Moltenicirca 1880sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Éditions de Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue des Séries Spécialement composées pour Conférences & Cours d'AdultesRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rat. 2e Fascicule Physique & ChimieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1907Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rationnel - 1er Fascicule AstronomieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Minéralogie et Géologie, Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1929Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Micrographie Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Jubiläums-Katalaog 1875-1900: Jean Schoenner Mechanisch-optische Spielwaren FabrikJean Schoenner1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No 105: Classement méthodique des diapositives pour Projections LumineusesRadiguet & Massiotin/after 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatusJ. Theobald and Co.circa 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
G. Gilmer Catalog No 26G. GilmerCirca 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 50. Fabrique d'appareils d'accessoires et vues pour la projectionE. Mazo1912Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogus der Lichtbeeldenvereeniging 1912-13Centraal Bureau voor Lantaarnplaten Amsterdam1912Search on LanternClick here to read
Diapositifs sur verre pour projections. Photographies et MicrophotographiesLes Fils d'Émile DeyrolleJuly 1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
E. MazoE. Mazo1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Liste 329Ed. LiesegangJuly 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Ed. Liesegang Liste 329aEd. LiesegangNovember 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder-Serien für patriotische Veranstaltungen in KriegervereinenEd. Liesegang1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Janus-Epidiaskop. Eine Quelle der UnterhaltungEd. Liesegangcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue Général No 89 des Appareils et Accessoired usités en projection: IVe Partie CinématographieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 104bis: Vues de voyages et explorations en projections lumineusesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1911Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang KatalogEd. Liesegang1911Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue of Optical Projection Apparatus.Newton & Co.September 1938Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Éditions de Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue des Séries Spécialement composées pour Conférences & Cours d'AdultesRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rationnel - 1er Fascicule AstronomieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder in Woodbury-Druck. Verzeichnis von Glasphotogrammen für den Projektions-ApparatEd. LiesegangNovember 1905Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Preisliste über optische, mechanische und elektrische Waren, Physikalische Spiele und LehrmittelErnst Plank - E.P.1914Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rat. 2e Fascicule Physique & ChimieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1907Search on LanternClick here to read
Nachtrag zum Katalog kunstgeschichtlicher DiapositiveEd. Liesegang1907Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Optische Spielwaaren und Lehrmittel: Laterna-Magica. Nebelbilder-Apparate. Sciopticons. Kinematrographen. Grosse Collection neuester Bilderserien. Stereoscope. Loupen und LesegläserGebrüder Bing / Bing Brothers1902-1904Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Liste complementaire des photographies sur verre pour projections lumineusesLes Fils de Émile DeyrolleMarch 1921Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogus van LantaarnplaatjesCAPIcirca 1925Search on LanternClick here to read
Katalog über optische, mechanische und elektrische Spielwaren und Lehrmittel: Metall-Miniaturen, Metall-Bauksten 'E.P. Modello', NähmaschinenErnst Plank - E.P.1925Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Instructive Optical Toys. Magic Lanterns, Dissolving View Apparati, Sciopticons, Cinematographs, Large collection of new slides in sets. Stereoscopes. Magnifying glasses, Reading glassesGebrüder Bing1906Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Preis-Liste 1902. Laterna Magica, Nebelbild-Apparate, Modell-Dampfmaschinen Heissluft-MotoreErnst Plank - E.P.1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Special Catalogue and Price List of Instructive Mechanical, Optical and Electrical ToysGebrüder Bing1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Stereopticons, Lantern Slides, Moving Picture Machines, Accessories for ProjectionW.B. Moore1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Georges Carette & Co - Catalog 1902: Fabrik für optische, mechanische, elektrische, physicalische Waren. Spielwaren, LehrmittelGeorges Carette & Co.March 1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Vues sur verre pour projection. Catalogue 32A. Moltenicirca 1880sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Tarif No. 39 Lanternes MagiquesA. Moltenicirca 1878-1880Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
E. Mazo Catalogue No.11E. Mazocirca 1898Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Newton's lantern slide catalogueNewton & Co.1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 9 -- art, literature, and miscellaneousNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Projektions-Bilder auf FilmstreifenEd. Liesegangcirca 1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2Newton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and ManufacturesNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton Lantern Slide CatalogueNewton & Co.1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Merkelbach Prijscourant No. 1 c. 1909Merkelbach & Co.circa 1909Search on LanternClick here to read
Die Projektions-KunstPaul Ed. Liesegang1909Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lijst van lantaarnplaatjesIvens & Co.between 1906-1913Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog No. 316Ed. LiesegangSeptember 1913Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
A compendium of astronomy: being a concise description of the most interesting phenomena of the heavensCarpenter and Westley1849Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Appareils et Fournitures générales pour la PhotographieJ. Gobertcirca 1890Search on LanternClick here to read
Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic LanternsMcIntosh Battery and Optical Company Co.after November 1889, probably 1890Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lunetterie OptiqueSociété des Lunetiers1901Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Prijscourant van benoodigdheden voor fotografie en projectieA. H. C. van SenusApril 1926Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogus van StereoscoopplatenMerkelbach & Co.1903Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog 282Ed. Liesegangbetween 1899 and 1903Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Prijs-Courant No. 1 van Tooverlantaarns, Sciopticons, (Dissolving Views). Model Stoom- en Electrische Machines Merkelbach & Co.1896Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Chas. M. Stebbins Picture SupplyChas. M. Stebbins Picture Supplyin or after 1899Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E.Flatters and Garnett Ltd.November 1924Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No 55 - Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et MondainesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1897Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Projection ApparatusBausch & Lomb Optical Co.1917Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Prijscourant van benoodigdheden voor fotografie en projectieA. H. C. van SenusApril 1926Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Vues sur verre pour projection. Catalogue 32A. Moltenicirca 1880sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Tarif No. 39 Lanternes MagiquesA. Moltenicirca 1878-1880Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Projection ApparatusBausch & Lomb Optical Co.1917Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogus van LantaarnplaatjesCAPIcirca 1925Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
A compendium of astronomy: being a concise description of the most interesting phenomena of the heavensCarpenter and Westley1849Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogus der Lichtbeeldenvereeniging 1912-13Centraal Bureau voor Lantaarnplaten Amsterdam1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Chas. M. Stebbins Picture SupplyChas. M. Stebbins Picture Supplyin or after 1899Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 50. Fabrique d'appareils d'accessoires et vues pour la projectionE. Mazo1912Search on LanternClick here to read
E. MazoE. Mazo1910Search on LanternClick here to read
E. Mazo Catalogue No.11E. Mazocirca 1898Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Liesegang KatalogEd. Liesegang1911Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Liste 329Ed. LiesegangJuly 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Ed. Liesegang Liste 329aEd. LiesegangNovember 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Projektions-Bilder auf FilmstreifenEd. Liesegangcirca 1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog No. 316Ed. LiesegangSeptember 1913Search on LanternClick here to read
Nachtrag zum Katalog kunstgeschichtlicher DiapositiveEd. Liesegang1907Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog 282Ed. Liesegangbetween 1899 and 1903Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder-Serien für patriotische Veranstaltungen in KriegervereinenEd. Liesegang1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder in Woodbury-Druck. Verzeichnis von Glasphotogrammen für den Projektions-ApparatEd. LiesegangNovember 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Janus-Epidiaskop. Eine Quelle der UnterhaltungEd. Liesegangcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Preisliste über optische, mechanische und elektrische Waren, Physikalische Spiele und LehrmittelErnst Plank - E.P.1914Search on LanternClick here to read
Preis-Liste 1902. Laterna Magica, Nebelbild-Apparate, Modell-Dampfmaschinen Heissluft-MotoreErnst Plank - E.P.1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Katalog über optische, mechanische und elektrische Spielwaren und Lehrmittel: Metall-Miniaturen, Metall-Bauksten 'E.P. Modello', NähmaschinenErnst Plank - E.P.1925Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E.Flatters and Garnett Ltd.November 1924Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
G. Gilmer Catalog No 26G. GilmerCirca 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Instructive Optical Toys. Magic Lanterns, Dissolving View Apparati, Sciopticons, Cinematographs, Large collection of new slides in sets. Stereoscopes. Magnifying glasses, Reading glassesGebrüder Bing1906Search on LanternClick here to read
Special Catalogue and Price List of Instructive Mechanical, Optical and Electrical ToysGebrüder Bing1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Optische Spielwaaren und Lehrmittel: Laterna-Magica. Nebelbilder-Apparate. Sciopticons. Kinematrographen. Grosse Collection neuester Bilderserien. Stereoscope. Loupen und LesegläserGebrüder Bing / Bing Brothers1902-1904Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Georges Carette & Co - Catalog 1902: Fabrik für optische, mechanische, elektrische, physicalische Waren. Spielwaren, LehrmittelGeorges Carette & Co.March 1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lijst van lantaarnplaatjesIvens & Co.between 1906-1913Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Appareils et Fournitures générales pour la PhotographieJ. Gobertcirca 1890Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatusJ. Theobald and Co.circa 1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jubiläums-Katalaog 1875-1900: Jean Schoenner Mechanisch-optische Spielwaren FabrikJean Schoenner1900Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Diapositifs sur verre pour projections. Photographies et MicrophotographiesLes Fils d'Émile DeyrolleJuly 1912Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Liste complementaire des photographies sur verre pour projections lumineusesLes Fils de Émile DeyrolleMarch 1921Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic LanternsMcIntosh Battery and Optical Company Co.after November 1889, probably 1890Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Merkelbach Prijscourant No. 1 c. 1909Merkelbach & Co.circa 1909Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogus van StereoscoopplatenMerkelbach & Co.1903Search on LanternClick here to read
Prijs-Courant No. 1 van Tooverlantaarns, Sciopticons, (Dissolving Views). Model Stoom- en Electrische Machines Merkelbach & Co.1896Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue of Optical Projection Apparatus.Newton & Co.September 1938Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogueNewton & Co.1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 9 -- art, literature, and miscellaneousNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2Newton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and ManufacturesNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton Lantern Slide CatalogueNewton & Co.1920Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Die Projektions-KunstPaul Ed. Liesegang1909Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No 105: Classement méthodique des diapositives pour Projections LumineusesRadiguet & Massiotin/after 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions de Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue des Séries Spécialement composées pour Conférences & Cours d'AdultesRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rat. 2e Fascicule Physique & ChimieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1907Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rationnel - 1er Fascicule AstronomieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue Général No 89 des Appareils et Accessoired usités en projection: IVe Partie CinématographieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue No. 104bis: Vues de voyages et explorations en projections lumineusesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1911Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No 55 - Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et MondainesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1897Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Lunetterie OptiqueSociété des Lunetiers1901Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Stereopticons, Lantern Slides, Moving Picture Machines, Accessories for ProjectionW.B. Moore1902Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Minéralogie et Géologie, Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue de Micrographie Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Catalogue de Minéralogie et Géologie, Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue de Micrographie Les Fils D'Émile DeyrolleÉmile Deyrolle1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No. 50. Fabrique d'appareils d'accessoires et vues pour la projectionE. Mazo1912Search on LanternClick here to read
E. MazoE. Mazo1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Jubiläums-Katalaog 1875-1900: Jean Schoenner Mechanisch-optische Spielwaren FabrikJean Schoenner1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogus der Lichtbeeldenvereeniging 1912-13Centraal Bureau voor Lantaarnplaten Amsterdam1912Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No. 104bis: Vues de voyages et explorations en projections lumineusesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1911Search on LanternClick here to read
Diapositifs sur verre pour projections. Photographies et MicrophotographiesLes Fils d'Émile DeyrolleJuly 1912Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No 105: Classement méthodique des diapositives pour Projections LumineusesRadiguet & Massiotin/after 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue of Optical Projection Apparatus.Newton & Co.September 1938Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions de Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue des Séries Spécialement composées pour Conférences & Cours d'AdultesRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Preisliste über optische, mechanische und elektrische Waren, Physikalische Spiele und LehrmittelErnst Plank - E.P.1914Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rat. 2e Fascicule Physique & ChimieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1907Search on LanternClick here to read
Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et Mondaines: Catalogue Général des vues scientifiques & littéraries classées suivant un ordre méthodique et rationnel - 1er Fascicule AstronomieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Optische Spielwaaren und Lehrmittel: Laterna-Magica. Nebelbilder-Apparate. Sciopticons. Kinematrographen. Grosse Collection neuester Bilderserien. Stereoscope. Loupen und LesegläserGebrüder Bing / Bing Brothers1902-1904Search on LanternClick here to read
Liste complementaire des photographies sur verre pour projections lumineusesLes Fils de Émile DeyrolleMarch 1921Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogus van LantaarnplaatjesCAPIcirca 1925Search on LanternClick here to read
Instructive Optical Toys. Magic Lanterns, Dissolving View Apparati, Sciopticons, Cinematographs, Large collection of new slides in sets. Stereoscopes. Magnifying glasses, Reading glassesGebrüder Bing1906Search on LanternClick here to read
Preis-Liste 1902. Laterna Magica, Nebelbild-Apparate, Modell-Dampfmaschinen Heissluft-MotoreErnst Plank - E.P.1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Jean Schoenner untitles catalog of toy lanternsJean Schoenner - Fabrik mechanisch-optischer Spielwarencirca 1800sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Katalog über optische, mechanische und elektrische Spielwaren und Lehrmittel: Metall-Miniaturen, Metall-Bauksten 'E.P. Modello', NähmaschinenErnst Plank - E.P.1925Search on LanternClick here to read
E. Mazo Catalogue No.11E. Mazocirca 1898Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogueNewton & Co.1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
J. Theobald and Company's extra special illustrated catalogue of magic lanterns, slides and apparatusJ. Theobald and Co.circa 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 9 -- art, literature, and miscellaneousNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Merkelbach Prijscourant No. 1 c. 1909Merkelbach & Co.circa 1909Search on LanternClick here to read
Lijst van lantaarnplaatjesIvens & Co.between 1906-1913Search on LanternClick here to read
Vues sur verre pour projection. Catalogue 32A. Moltenicirca 1880sSearch on LanternClick here to read
A compendium of astronomy: being a concise description of the most interesting phenomena of the heavensCarpenter and Westley1849Search on LanternClick here to read
Appareils et Fournitures générales pour la PhotographieJ. Gobertcirca 1890Search on LanternClick here to read
Lunetterie OptiqueSociété des Lunetiers1901Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang KatalogEd. Liesegang1911Search on LanternClick here to read
Prijscourant van benoodigdheden voor fotografie en projectieA. H. C. van SenusApril 1926Search on LanternClick here to read
Tarif No. 39 Lanternes MagiquesA. Moltenicirca 1878-1880Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Liste 329Ed. LiesegangJuly 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Ed. Liesegang Liste 329aEd. LiesegangNovember 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Projektions-Bilder auf FilmstreifenEd. Liesegangcirca 1920sSearch on LanternClick here to read
Catalogus van StereoscoopplatenMerkelbach & Co.1903Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog No. 316Ed. LiesegangSeptember 1913Search on LanternClick here to read
Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic LanternsMcIntosh Battery and Optical Company Co.after November 1889, probably 1890Search on LanternClick here to read
Die Projektions-KunstPaul Ed. Liesegang1909Search on LanternClick here to read
Nachtrag zum Katalog kunstgeschichtlicher DiapositiveEd. Liesegang1907Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 2Newton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
G. Gilmer Catalog No 26G. GilmerCirca 1900Search on LanternClick here to read
Special Catalogue and Price List of Instructive Mechanical, Optical and Electrical ToysGebrüder Bing1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Prijs-Courant No. 1 van Tooverlantaarns, Sciopticons, (Dissolving Views). Model Stoom- en Electrische Machines Merkelbach & Co.1896Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton's lantern slide catalogue: section 7 -- Industries and ManufacturesNewton & Co.circa 1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Stereopticons, Lantern Slides, Moving Picture Machines, Accessories for ProjectionW.B. Moore1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Liesegang Katalog 282Ed. Liesegangbetween 1899 and 1903Search on LanternClick here to read
Chas. M. Stebbins Picture SupplyChas. M. Stebbins Picture Supplyin or after 1899Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder-Serien für patriotische Veranstaltungen in KriegervereinenEd. Liesegang1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E.Flatters and Garnett Ltd.November 1924Search on LanternClick here to read
Lichtbilder in Woodbury-Druck. Verzeichnis von Glasphotogrammen für den Projektions-ApparatEd. LiesegangNovember 1905Search on LanternClick here to read
Janus-Epidiaskop. Eine Quelle der UnterhaltungEd. Liesegangcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read
Newton Lantern Slide CatalogueNewton & Co.1920Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue No 55 - Éditions des Diapositives pour Conférences Scientifiques et MondainesRadiguet et Massiotin/after 1897Search on LanternClick here to read
Georges Carette & Co - Catalog 1902: Fabrik für optische, mechanische, elektrische, physicalische Waren. Spielwaren, LehrmittelGeorges Carette & Co.March 1902Search on LanternClick here to read
Projection ApparatusBausch & Lomb Optical Co.1917Search on LanternClick here to read
Catalogue Général No 89 des Appareils et Accessoired usités en projection: IVe Partie CinématographieRadiguet & Massiotcirca 1910Search on LanternClick here to read