Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World

Founded in 1915 by a Chicago printing company as a regional trade paper for Midwest exhibitors. In 1916, editor Martin Quigley bought out the owners, and over the next 15 years, he grew EXHIBITORS HERALD into one of the most important national, weekly trade papers in the film business. Quigley acquired MOTOGRAPHY in 1917 and MOVING PICTURE WORLD in 1927. In 1930, he acquired MOTION PICTURE NEWS and the new 'consolidated' publication became MOTION PICTURE HERALD. From the pulpit of his editorial page, Quigley preached the need to improve the motion picture industry and improve the quality of the films. He skillfully served as a mediator in disputes -- between distributors and exhibitors, between the film industry and the Catholic Church (Quigley was one of the architects of the Production Code). Quigley claimed that EXHIBITORS HERALD represented the 'independent exhibitor' and sections like 'What the Picture Did for Me?' certainly provided a forum for theater owners. But plenty of exhibitors viewed Quigley as a servant to the studios and large theater chains. In response, publications such as SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW, INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN, HARRISON'S REPORTS, and BOX OFFICE were either formed or grew significantly in the years following Quigley's brief moment of consolidation in 1930. -- Eric Hoyt, 2014

Items in Collection

Founded in 1915 by a Chicago printing company as a regional trade paper for Midwest exhibitors. In 1916, editor Martin Quigley bought out the owners, and over the next 15 years, he grew EXHIBITORS HERALD into one of the most important national, weekly trade papers in the film business. Quigley acquired MOTOGRAPHY in 1917 and MOVING PICTURE WORLD in 1927. In 1930, he acquired MOTION PICTURE NEWS and the new 'consolidated' publication became MOTION PICTURE HERALD. From the pulpit of his editorial page, Quigley preached the need to improve the motion picture industry and improve the quality of the films. He skillfully served as a mediator in disputes -- between distributors and exhibitors, between the film industry and the Catholic Church (Quigley was one of the architects of the Production Code). Quigley claimed that EXHIBITORS HERALD represented the 'independent exhibitor' and sections like 'What the Picture Did for Me?' certainly provided a forum for theater owners. But plenty of exhibitors viewed Quigley as a servant to the studios and large theater chains. In response, publications such as SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW, INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS FILM BULLETIN, HARRISON'S REPORTS, and BOX OFFICE were either formed or grew significantly in the years following Quigley's brief moment of consolidation in 1930. -- Eric Hoyt, 2014
Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJul-Sep 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJul-Sep 1928Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read

Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World[Creator Name Not Found]Jan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World[Creator Name Not Found]Oct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World[Creator Name Not Found]Apr-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World[Creator Name Not Found]Jul-Sep 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World[Creator Name Not Found]Apr-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read
Title Creator Date
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldQuigley Publishing CompanyOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJan-Mar 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldOct-Dec 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1929Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldJul-Sep 1928Search on LanternClick here to read
Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture WorldApr-Jun 1930Search on LanternClick here to read